Virginia Anderson Memorial
We had a very moving and meaningful service on Thursday, grieving the loss of our dear friend, Virginia, and celebrating her 100 years on this earth. If you missed the service you can watch it on our YouTube channel.
Lenten Book DiscussionSunday, March 17
11:00am, Fireside Room Pastor John will be traveling to Germany this year to follow in the footsteps of one of his heroes in the faith, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a pastor and theologian who lost his life in WWII because of his Christian faith and opposition to the Nazi regime. One of John's stops will be the Bonhoeffer Haus in Berlin, where Dietrich's family lived and where he was arrested by the Gestapo. Join us for a conversation about this fascinating, inspirational, and very human follower of Jesus. What might befriending Bonhoeffer mean for us and the ways we live our lives today?
Ash Wednesday Service - TONIGHT
The Annual Report for 2023 is here!First Presbyterian Church's Annual Report for 2023 tells the story, in word and pictures, of God's faithfulness in our lives and in the life of God's church here in Petaluma. Thank you for celebrating with us!
Holiday Featured + Upcoming
Cafe Babble-OnJoin Pastor John every Thursday in our Cafe Babble-On virtual cafe. Grab a cup of coffee, tea, some pastries or lunch and hop on anytime between 11am and noon.
Join by phone (audio only), dial 1-669-900-6833, enter Meeting ID: 948 5898 3204
Quick Links
Featured + Upcoming
Advent Begins November 27To visually mark the beginning of the Advent Season wear something purple
Light a Candle
Congregational Meeting
A very short meeting after worship and before the Thanksgiving luncheon
Interfaith ThanksgivingJoin us at FPC on Nov. 22 for this year's Interfaith Thanksgiving Service
Jim Donnelly Memorial
Memorial Service for Jim DonnellyJoin us this Saturday for a very special time of worship, celebrating the life of Jim Donnelly, and grieving his absence. Join us in the sanctuary (masks required), on Zoom, or watch the service live on YouTube.
Saturday, October 22, 1:00pm First Presbyterian Church | 939 B Street, Petaluma |
First Presbyterian Church is located on 3.5 acres of land, a short 12 minute walk from downtown Petaluma. Our sanctuary offers seating for 300 people, a concert grand piano, an electric organ, and exceptional acoustics for vocal and instrumental performances. Our fellowship hall has a full kitchen, with indoor and outdoor dining possibilities, and our Fireside Room is the perfect setting for small group meetings. Our ample parking lot can accommodate most campus events. This could be the perfect place for your wedding, music recital or concert, memorial service or spiritual retreat. Contact the church office for a visit and for more information.
Statement of Inclusion
First Presbyterian Church of Petaluma affirms the worth and dignity of all people. We are all created in God’s image, and in Christ we are all children of God. Just as Jesus welcomed everyone into his fellowship, even those who traditionally had been marginalized, we welcome all people to our congregation regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical or mental ability, socio-economic status, or political beliefs. All are welcome to worship, serve, and participate fully in the life and ministry of First Presbyterian Church; and all who profess faith in Jesus Christ are welcome to become members, with eligibility for its leadership and offices...continue reading