“We do not gather ourselves in worship; God invites us in.
We are brought by the Holy Spirit into a worship already taking place in the life of God.
This is where we learn to be guests and hosts in God’s Kingdom.”
- Elizabeth Newman, Untamed Hospitality
Worship in the Sanctuary and Online
Sundays at 9:45am
1-669-900-6833 and enter Zoom Meeting ID 341 699 448
Passcode 064225
Passcode 064225
Bread and Juice (or some equivalent) for Communion Sundays (first Sunday of the month and special holy days)
Candle/Matches (we light candles together at the start of the service)
Candle/Matches (we light candles together at the start of the service)
"We are all members one of another, and one of us is Jesus Christ, God and man."
- Austin Farrer
Rooted in Worship
Worship is at the very heart of the church’s life. All that the church is and does is rooted in its worship. The community of faith, gathered in response to God’s call, is formed in its worship. Worship is the principal influence that shapes our faith, and is the most visible way we express the faith. In worship, through Word and Sacrament, the church is sustained by the presence of Christ and empowered by the work of the Holy Spirit. Joined in worship to the One who is the source of its life, the church is equipped to serve God in the world. (2018 Book of Common Worship)
LiturgyWe draw from a variety of ancient and modern Christian traditions. The Presbyterian Church has its roots in Scotland and some elements of our worship come from the Christian community on the island of Iona. We value participation over perfection, and believe that our weekly worship trains us in how to be faithful disciples, embodying Christ's love in the world.
SacramentsThe sacraments provide a picture of God’s promises to us. Fourth-century theologian St. Augustine called them “outward and visible signs of an inward and spiritual grace.” The two sacraments observed by the Presbyterian Church (USA) are Baptism and the Lord's Supper. In both, we experience the presence of Christ through the Holy Spirit. Baptism begins a lifelong journey of discipleship, and Communion sustains us on that journey. In both we are reminded that we belong to God and we belong to one another.
MusicMusic is an important part of our worship and life together. It includes a variety of traditional and contemporary hymns, songs, a choir, piano, organ, flute, seasonal handbells, trios and quartets. Our musicians host a yearly Christmas concert in the sanctuary, and a Community Carol Sing every December 23 at the Walnut Park gazebo in downtown Petaluma.
Sunday Morning FellowshipOur Sunday morning fellowship starts at 9:15am under the awning in front of the sanctuary. Come early, or stay after for a cup of coffee, a pastry and conversation. Some Communion Sundays, at the end of the service, Pastor John processes out with the Communion bread, which becomes part of our "Bread and Jam" fellowship time.
Liturgical ArtThe visual arts are a meaningful part of our worship experience, especially for those who are visually oriented in worship, or like to be hands-on. Everyone is invited to participate in the creation and installation of our hand-made pieces of liturgical art. When we have a project going, it is often set up in the back of the sanctuary on Sunday mornings for those who wish to make this a part of their worship practice.